About Us
Established in 2000, Ekose Inc. acts as a consultancy and trade oriented organization.
Ekose Consultancy Inc, located both in Ankara and Istanbul, serves on laws consultancy, project management consultancy, business management consultancy and merger & acquisition consultancy in the strength of global expertise within 25 years.
Ekose Trade Inc, located in Istanbul manages the diverse global trading functions with the ability of holding investment, know-how and respectable business network in numerous industries.
Ekose Consulting Inc. established in 2000, is a full service consultancy provider combining an extensive range services with experts who are specialists in their sector with the deep experience of numerous projects financed by the World Bank, the European Union and investment banks of Japan and EU.
Ekose Consulting has an unparalleled reputation for its skills in strategically planning and implementing corporate, trade and consumer programs on behalf of prestigious national and international clients in the private sector. We also deliver visionary integrated solutions to government and its entities with evidence based policy development and solve challenges to improve organisational performance. We assist public and private sectors in responding to challenges and opportunities created by worldwide drivers, sustainability, energy, water and infrastructure, transportion.
Ekose Consultancy also offers special professional services in the field of mergers and acquisitions. We are highly competent in preparing technical due diligence reports, designing regional and rural master plans, contributing to the development and adaptation of SME's to foreign partnerships, as well as supplying human resources, organisational development and capacity building in local administrations.
Our Mission
To stay sustainable in all business lines with the right mix of; capital, partnership, management and consultancy facilities while delivering higher values for our shareholders, clients and business partners.
Our Vision
To lead in each industry line that we take place while implementing innovation based sustainable growth for shareholders, keeping our focus on clients, employees and suppliers and quality.
Affiliates & Partners
- Ekose Gmbh - Germany
- Birkezer Refinery - Iraq
- Berf Strafor- Iraq
- Berf PET - Iraq
- Berf Regenerate - Iraq
- Işıklar Papersack - Iraq
- Balarısı Juwelier - Germany
- Krudo International - Amsterdam Nedherlands
- Hexaferm Organomineral Fertilizer - Hexagone Holding - Turkey
- Lenco Hellas - Greece
- Invesco Engineering - Ethiopia
- Rokach International Limited - Nigeria
- Tamöz - Turkmenistan
- Hamit Bel Haje - Morocco
Law Consultancy Service
Sister company Topaloğlu Law Office, TLO was founded by Mr. Ali Topaloglu in 1989 and has been providing business-focused comprehensivelegal services to international and national corporations, small and medium sized enterprises and individuals.
TLO employs full time and part-time lawyers, trademark agents and patent/industrial design agents with a high volume of both local and international practice both in Ankara and Istanbul.
The attorneys of TLO have extensive international legal experience and are proficient in English, German and French. TLO has also developed an extensive network of foreign correspondent firms with which it has close relationships and often collaborates on projects.
Attorneys in the TLO are experienced in matters involving commercial paper, bank deposits and collections, letters of credit, bulk transfer, fraudulent transfers, equipment leasing, loan origination and review, loan restructuring and workouts of unsecured and secured loans. TLO regularly counsels and represents clients in litigation matters involving all aspects of the Uniform Commercial Code before administrative agencies as well as assisting clients in their lobbying efforts relating to pending legislation.
TLO also counsels clients regarding state licensing and regulatory requirements and restrictions to ensure compliance with complex statutory schemes.
As an organization, TLO takes pride in its ability to combine the talents within its organization to meet the client’s requirements. For any particular project, we assemble an interdisciplinary project team of TLO’s attorneys and professors having the substantive experience required to meet the client’s needs.
All of the services on a particular matter are coordinated by any of our partners to ensure the delivery of services in a timely, capable and cost effective manner.
We also coordinate our efforts closely with in-housing counsel and any local counsel and consultants (such as engineering, environmental firms) that have been retained to work on particular aspects of the transaction.
Trade Law
Establishing companies, Joint-Ventures or Consortiums (including Built-Operate-Transfer (BOT) projects and privatization of State Economic Enterprises), drawing contract documentation, executing the negotiations about the agreements, conducting negotiations with official or private sector entities and other services and duties related with State Planning Organization, Undersecretariat of Treasury or Foreign Trade, High Board of Privatization to international and local companies, legal leading on all these aspects,
Electronic trade and Internet Law, protection and registration of Domain Names and the actions about them, disputes arising from electronic signature and electronic trade applications,
Formation and organization of Real Estate Investment Companies, obtaining administrative permissions, public offering operations and determination of the applicable tax law to international and local companies,
Preparation of construction agreements including international construction projects, sub-contracts, taxation (Turkish and Russian tax legislation) and prevention of double taxation,
Preparation of agreements such as vendor agreements, distribution agreements, non-circumvention and non-disclosure agreements, agency agreements, employee noncompete agreements, license agreements and franchising agreements,
Obtaining permissions from related State Entities about Investment Organizations and preparation of the necessary documents for application,
Rendering consultancy services to the entrepreneurs operating in Russia and CIS countries (especially Turkish Republics) in collaboration with internationally experienced project consultant firms,
Rendering consultancy services to national and international companies regarding complex litigation arising from insurance policies.
Energy Law
Determination of the legal procedure and preparation of agreements on the transfer of operation rights of electricity generation and distribution plants, preparation of agreements and Project development on auto-production in energy sector,
Preparation of Due Diligence reports for the energy companies,
Preparation of agreements and Project Development regarding alternative energies (especially wind power), obtaining necessary legal permissions and executing joint-ventures and consortiums,
Providing administrative, regulatory, corporate and commercial legal services to clients engaged in providing natural gas distribution such as formation of natural gas distribution companies, preparation of distribution agreements and determining the legal procedure and pipeline,
Preparation of petroleum drilling contracts, farmout contracts, exploration and development agreement, formation of the JV and consortium in the oil sector and execution of applications for licenses.
Public Procurement Law
Rendering legal services to the local government entities related with the implementation of Public Procurement Law and Public Contract Law,
Rendering legal consultancy services to national and international companies related with the opposition procedure to Public Procurement Authority.
Dispute Resolution
Rendering legal consultancy services for the disputes arising from international agreements pursuant to UNICITRAL and ICC Arbitration Rules.
Construction Law
Formation of the legal basis of projects such as airports, ports, electricity power plants, natural gas distribution plants, water supply, sanitation and other similar utility projects, financing and conducting negotiations with related official entities, executing Joint-Ventures and consortiums,
Rendering legal services to Local Government Bodies (Municipalities) and local entities taking part in international utility projects under the World Bank, EIB and KfW credits,
Rendering legal administrative, regulatory, corporate and commercial legal services to clients engaged in Built-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Projects preparation of implementation agreements and conduct ing related negotiations.
Competition Law
Rendering legal consultancy services regarding applications to Turkish Competition Authority for mergers and acquisitions.
Representing clients in relation with cases filed before the Turkish Competition Authority.
Employment Law
Providing labor and employment law services in areas such as employment discrimination, wrongful termination, wage and hour litigation and investigations, restrictive covenants, protection of proprietary information, immigration, preparing labor contracts and all matters in employer -employee relationship.
Banking Law
Banking Law such as Documentary Credits (Letter of Credit, Letter of Guarantee), Security Law (Promissory Notes, Cheque, Bill of Exchange), Foreign Trade, Insurance Documents and Credit Documents, Loan Agreements, Escrow agreements, leasing and factoring agreements and international finance operations, Pending lawsuits and executing actions related with loan agreements, escrow agreements, leasing and factoring agreement s, internat ional finance operations, offering circular in international monetary market, foreign trade and documentary credi ts and banking instruments,
Representing leading financial institutions, including local, national and international banks as well as other institutions in the commercial finance field in a multitude of transactional and litigation matters.
IP Law
Computer Law, legal protection of computer programs, legal disputes arising from illegal use of software, software agreements, preparation of Shrink-Wrap and Click-Wrap License Agreements and legal disputes arising from these agreements,
Applying for trademark and patent registrations (including patent registration applications arising from Patent Cooperation Treaty) and executing all kind of actions by Turkish Patent Institution and advising clients regarding the proper methods of protecting their proprietary information and assisting clients in developing programs which are essential to protect these rights (including Common Trademarks) by its trademark and patent agents.
Administrative, regulatory, corporate, commercial and environmental legal services to municipalities, local and international companies engaged in providing water services, wastewater treatment services, environmental technology projects (waste-water and solid-waste projects),
Legal disputes that may arise from stone quarry management, procedures about hiring stone quarry from General Directorate of National Estate and the disputes arising from application of these procedures, actions of refund brought by the Treasury,
Actions of indemnification about illegal mine production, preparation and adaptation of operation Redevance Agreements and concluding disputes arising from these agreements, judicial and administrative disputes arising from the application of Mining Law and annulment of Mining License,
Press law, press crimes, actions of indemnification about damages for pecuniary loss and damages for mental anguish in case of infringement of personality rights, disputes arising from Press Law and legal consultancy services on such matters,
Rendering project development and project management services in collaboration with internationally experienced project consultant firms,
Rendering consultancy services to companies, administrations, institutions etc. regarding the Human Relat ions Organizat ional Dev elopment projects.
We also provide a full range of corporate and commercial advice to many industry sectors including:
- Acquisitions and disposals,
- Company takeovers and defenses,
- Contract law,
- Co-operative research agreements,
- Corporate restructures,
- Directors’ and officers’ liability,
- Due diligence,
- Foreign investment,
- Franchiser licensing,
- Intellectual property,
- Management agreements,
- Mergers,
- Partnerships and joint ventures,
- Revenue law including income tax, capital gains tax and stamp duty,
- Service and consultancy agreements,
- Statutory interpretation,
- Statutory compliance systems,
- Trade practices,
Project Managment Consultancy Service
Ekose Consultancy Inc. has taken outstanding management and consultancy roles in high scale projects that have been financed by the World Bank, the European Union, Investment Banks of Japan and other global authorities. These important experiences have brought Ekose Consultancy Inc, the ability of managimg and consulting high scale projects throughout all aspects with high-level of quality and success.
Ekose Consultancy Inc. is the leading project management solution partner in both public and private industries by its know-how, experienced managers and consultants.
Management Consultancy Service
Management Consultancy Service involves;Ekose Consultancy Inc. provides highly detailed marketing consultancy services in the strength of its high experienced marketing consultants and deep knowledge. The practice of improving business organizations about their overall performance is a key consulting service for Ekose Consulting Inc.
- - Financial analysis and financial model improvement,
- - Business model improvement,
- - Organisational structure improvement,
- - Process mapping and process improvement,
- - Brand structure,
- - Customer Analysis,
- - Market Analysis,
- - Competition Analysis,
Merger & Acquisition Consultancy Service
Ekose Consultancy Inc, is capable to provide professional services in the field of mergers and acquisitions.
In the strength of deep experience and highly competent consultants, Ekose Consultancy Inc, offers high quality in preparing technical due diligence reports, designing regional and rural master plans, contributing to the development and adaptation of SMEs to foreign partnerships, as well as supplying human resources, organisational development and capacity building in local administrations.
Energy & Mining
The energy industry is facing rapid expansion and known that future of global energy consuption would increase significantly as well. Throught all these informations, energy industry is totally accepted as a bright opportunity to look forward. Ekose Trading Inc. is always ready to invest or make partnerships in energy production and coal mining facilities.
Ekose Inc. undertakes consultancy and turnkey project contracts that comprise of construction management , engineering, project management, operating of power plants and energy sales. In the strength of its own assets and own resources Ekose Trade Inc. is always ready to act as a reliable partner for energy investors.
Not only in relation with ready-made technology-based projects, Ekose Trading Inc. is ready to participate in innovative energy production projects.
Construction & Real Estate
Ekose Trade Inc. has always been active in high capacity construction projects in the domestic and international markets.
Ekose Trade Inc.'s professional development facilitates are based on its continuously improving assets management system, skills, know-how and judgment abilities. In the strength of the values that Ekose Trade Inc. holds, it is always capable to take place in large-scale construction projects with various titles.
Holding precious real estate values in its portfolio differs Ekose Trade Inc. from the surrounding companies. Ekose Trade Inc. places high priority for the real estate industry with a global perspective. With its high level Real Estate development skills, Ekose Trade involves in the urban transformation site developments and other land development projects by adding value with its financial modelling expertise and other funding sources and investors both local and foreign, existing in its current network.
Ekose Trade Inc, continues its manufacturing facilities in various industries in different regions, accepting its environmental responsibility and holding respect to labor and human rights in the whole manufacturing operations.
Ekose Trade Inc. provides high volume trade operations in global markets. Through out the manufacturing, importing, exporting and re-exporting of goods, Ekose Trade Inc. intends to build reliable relationships with its partners and customers. Ekose Trade Inc. also works on developing new markets by new investments, new partnerships and innovation.
Trading operations of Ekose Trade Inc. predominantly focuses on;
- Crude Oil and Petroleum Products,
- Precious Metals,
- Raw Materials,
- Cement,
In the strength of efficient assets management system, know-how and qualified labor, Ekose Trade Inc. continues to strengthen its trade operations with its reliable business partners and clients.
Raw Materials
Freezone Facilites
Solar Power
The future energy mix will have to include every kind of energy sourcing models to meet growing demand. As Ekose Trade Inc, we accept solar power as a clean, flexible and efficient energy resource.
In these conditions, Ekose Trade Inc. is always ready to invest and make partnership with 3rd parties that are holding licence and land for solar energy production or to consult whole the solar energy generation processes.
Thermal Power
Mining is a central aspect of Ekose Trade Inc's long-term growth strategy. Acting with the sister company DEMİRAY MINING LTD in the thermal power production industry, Ekose Trade Inc. hosts numerous coal mining lisences with enormous capacity of high quality coal reserves in Northern Turkey. This status keeps Ekose Trade Inc. as the highest potential partner for the thermal power generation investment projects in Turkish region. Ekose Trade Inc. always has the will to invest, make partnership and consult the overall energy generation and energy sales processes.
Petrochemical Products
Ekose Trade Inc. continues its petrochemicals industry operations with the solution partner RAZI PETROCHEMICALS INC that is established in 1968 in Mahshahr Industrial Area, Iran to utilize Iran's abundant gas resources for producing the below products;
- - Urea Peril,
- - Granulled Urea,
- - D.A.P.
- - Granulled Sulphur,
- - Sulphurica Acid,
- - Phosphoric Acid,
- - Natural Condensate,
- - Amonia,
Oil & Gas
The oil refining division BİRKEZER REFINERY located in Northern Iraq
, concentrates on refining crude oil into petroleum products. By utilizing the technical and commercial skills, Ekose Trade Inc. enables greater trading opportunities by its sister companies manufacturing capacity and high quality production ability. Oil & Gas trading experience above 23 years, Ekose Trading Inc. is an expert in crude oil processing and petroleum products trade management.
Sourcing ability from oil majors, national governments, sister refinery, other refineries and other business partners, Ekose Trade Inc is an expert in crude oil, gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, kerosene, clean condensates, fuel oil and heating oil. Meanwhile, Ekose Trade Inc. works with smaller producers that are seeking the marketing expertises to help to distribute their crude oil production through long-term contracts.
Throughout the massive increase in global and regional energy consumption, Ekose Trade Inc, keeps holding its significant assets to be used in energy production with the jointly sister company DEMİRAY MINING LTD.
The owned minging assets include high quantity of high quality coal reserves while their locations let easy access to the available energy lines.
Ekose Trade Inc, with its expertise in commercial and industrial construction projects, realises high volume superstructure and infrastructure projects. Ekose Trade Inc. aims to generate its field of activities both in the domestic market and in international markets such as Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe.
In the strength of the steel building avability and Dragon Board usage, Ekose Trade Inc. can hold any kind of projects with rapid construction avability.
At the same time, Ekose Trade Inc. supports activities that contribute to economic and social development within the context of transparency, equity, liability and accountability. Consequently, it is a member of Ethics and Reputation Society. Also, Ekose Inc. gives importance to human rights, labour and environment.
Steel Fabricated Building
Ekose Inc, with the expertise in steel building construction, considers the steel as a high-performance and green building material. With the joint partner STEINBERG, Ekose Trade Inc. continues its construction facilities constantly.
Turkey, with the disadvantage of disturbing geographical positon, accepts the steel building construction as the most secure way to construct residentals against the earth quakes. Also accepting the rapid installation processes and easy step construction opportunity, theglobal steel building industry keeps its growth in a significant rate.
Please click for more information.
Dragon Board
Ekose Trade Inc, with the expertise in construction, accepts Dragonboard® as one of the key green construction material in todays construction industry.
Dragonboard® briefly provides;
- Non-Flammability,
- Stability against water and humidity,
- Heat insulating,
- Voice insulating,
Made of magnesium oxide, magnesium chloride, water and special fibrous material, Dragonboard® also provides high-performance in strengthening the structure. Avoiding the growth of mould, mildew and any kind, Dragon Board is also accepted as an anti-bacterial product in construction industry rather than the drywall. By contrast, traditional drywall is also manufactured from gypsum plaster and the drying process requires huge amount of energy.
Dragonboard® provides high-performance in constructing any sizes of residentals and commercials even; schools, sport facilities, factories, stations and airports.
Petroleum Processing
Located in Northen Iraq, Ekose Inc. continues its petroleum refining operations with 800.000 BBL annual production capacity with the sister company BİRKEZER REFINERY, in Bazian. Utilising the geographical advantages, Ekose Inc. also provides high level of service quality.
The refinery’s storage capacity and the flexibility of its installations provides the capabilities to handle a wide range of both intermediate and finished products including;
- - Gasoline,
- - Heating oil,
- - Heavy fuel grades.
Styrofoam EPS
With the thermoplastic structure, styrofoam is used for providing high levels of thermal insulation and visual aesthetics. Sytrofoam is accepted as a easy to carry, easy to apply and a low cost building material in construction industry. Ekose Trade Inc, continues to implement its styrofoam production operations in Erbil, Iraq with the jointly sister company BERF.
Paper Bags
Ekose Trade Inc. realises its paper bag manufacturing operations in Erbil, Iraq in partnerhsip with IŞIKLAR HOLDING. The manufacturing facility with 35.000 m2 closed area, delivers the yearly production capacity of 500.000.000. Besides the high production capacity, Ekose Trade Inc. provides high quality paper bags for cement, construction chemicals, animal feeds and flour industries.
As in other manufacturing operations, Ekose Trade Inc. accepts its environmental responsibility with the respect to labour and humand rights.
PET Recycling
Ekose Trade Inc. continues to implement its PET Recycling operations in Erbil, Iraq with the jointly sister company BERF.
Ekose Trade Inc. also plays active role in encouraging the regional community and regional industries about plastics recycling and environmental responsibility.
As recycling of plastics is an environmental responsibility itself, Ekose Trade Inc. also respects to labor and human rigths in its manufacturing and in other related operations.
PET Preform
Ekose Trade Inc, continues to implement its PET Preform manufacturing operations in Erbil, Iraq with the jointly sister company BERF. In the strength of high level experience and know-how, Ekose Inc. manufactures PET Preforms to be supplied especially for pharmaceuticals industry. Differently from the pharmaceuticals industry, Ekose Trade Inc. focuses on food & beverage industry, cosmetics industry, purification industries.
For building long-term business partnerships, Ekose Trade Inc. continues the production operations with the highest production quality standarts in the strength of its high-tech production facility.
Crude Oil
Ekose Trade Inc. supplies crude oil from reliable business partners and manages the whole financing, storing, production and trading operations to process with the jointly sister company BİRKEZER REFINERY in Iraq region. Ekose Trade Inc, holds the access to almost every major refinery, oil majors and national governments and captures different opportunities in the global oil business. As an expert in crude oil trading and managing the risks, Ekose Trade Inc. uses its global presence, market knowledge and logistics capabilities to balance the supply and the demand to optimise its crude oil trade operations.
While the crude oil business is stated as a real important business line for Ekose Trade Inc, the refinery outputs also keeps high importance levels in the trading operations. As refined petroleum product categories involve a wide range of product lines, they also appeal to a larger potential of importers and exporters.
Ekose Trade Inc. refines high volume the used gold in its induction facility and adds the Hallmark for the refined gold. In the strenth of deep experience and full service ability, Ekose Trade Inc. continues its operations with the jointly sister company Balarisi Juwelier, located in Iserlohn, Germany,
As it is the oldest financial instrument, Ekose Trade Inc. believes that each partner should be holding some sizes of physical gold investment while realising this investment through profitable scenarios. Therefore, our philosophy is to create a precious metals portfolio that is personalized to each partners needs and goals.
Raw Materials
Ekose Trading Inc. supplies a wide variety of commodity raw material. Sourcing directly from own soruces, international raw material producer partners Ekose Trade Inc provides the highest service standards for its clients and partners. Th e raw material segments that Ekose Trade Inc. provides are as listed below;
- - Polymers,
- - Clinker & Ash,
- - Cooper,
- - Aluminium,
- - Petrochemicals;
- - Ethyl Alcohol,
- - Methyl Alcohol,
- - Plastics,
- - Chemicals,
- - Iron Ore,
Freezone Facilities
Ekose Trade Inc. keeps its active role in freezone facilities implementation. Warehouse, assembly-disassembly, maintenance, banking and insurance, packing-repacking, labelling and exhibition facility services are the main services provided by Ekose Trade Inc in freezone facilities industry with the sister company SERAPİS.
Hotel Business
- Hotel sale/acquisition (Real Estate and/or Management)
- Feasibility Studies Support
- Concept Study
- Brand Research and Branding
- Full Support for Management Contracting and Lease Agreements
- Hotel Architectural Design and Construction
Kucukbakkalkoy Dist. Ruya Str. Vogue Business Center No. 12/18, Ataşehir, Istanbul, Turkey
T: +90 216 232 21 85
F: +90 216 232 21 86
E: info@ekoseholding.com
Contact Us
About Us
Affiliates & Partners
Law Consultancy Service
Project Managment Consultancy Service
Management Consultancy Service
Merger & Acquisition Consultancy Service
Energy & Mining
Construction & Real Estate
Solar Power
Thermal Power
Petrochemical Products
Oil & Gas
Steel Fabricated Building
Dragon Board
Real Estate
Petroleum Processing
Styrofoam EPS
Paper Bags
PET Recycling
PET Preform
Crude Oil
Raw Materials
Freezone Facilities
Hotel Business
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